Frequently Asked Questions About Finding the Beloved

(I know, you’ve been tallying questions in your head – so without further adieu – here are the answers!

* How do I know if I have met my Beloved?
You completely and utterly know! This knowingness is far stronger than the questioning mind, and wipes out all questions and doubts. If you are asking this question it most probably means you have not met them.

* I think I met my Beloved once, but we split up, does that mean we failed?
Beloveds never accidently meet; it is a planned and very precise affair. There are no accidents! Beloveds will burn through copious amounts of issues, bring tremendous healing to one another, and experience the most profound sense of undiluted oneness and intimacy that can never be matched again in this lifetime. If this doesn’t happen, then it wasn’t your Beloved. Both parties will do whatever is necessary to heal through and make this happen

* What is the difference between a Soul Mate and Beloved?
A Soul Mate relationship (discussed in the Introduction in greater depth) is an instant knowingness that is felt at the beginning, the moment you come into contact. However shortly after this wondrous reunion, there tends to be a deep, immovable sense that this relationship is temporary and won’t be forever. You will also have an accurate sense of how much time you will be together. With Danny, within weeks of meeting him I asked in meditation how long it would be and the answer appeared. Of course, I tried to fight that knowingness and hung on longer than I probably needed to – but the answer was still there. You can also ask your womb. Again you will simply know the answer. I often found that it came with a sorrow, as there was this tremendous love, which was interwoven with a thread of knowing that ‘this is temporary.’ With a Beloved, you know it’s permanent. A Soul Mate also prepares, refines, and gets you ready for the Beloved, if it is your destiny to meet in this lifetime

* How do I become the person my Beloved will instantly see/feel?
You already are that person and no matter what he/she will see/feel it

* Does Beloved recognition ever take longer than a split second?
From personal experience, it was split second recognition. It is felt strongly. Perhaps you may deny it for a short while, but eventually it will draw you back together. You cannot miss each other, it is not possible. Now, what you do after you meet is up to you – which is why you now have this book as your guide!

* What if I’m not here in this lifetime to meet my Beloved? If you’re reading this book, then I feel you are on the path of meeting your Soul Mate - at the very least. You would not be reading this book otherwise.

* How do I know if I am meant to meet my Beloved?
You either know it, or you don’t. It is as simple as that. If you don’t feel drawn to having a Beloved experience, then you’re not here for that; if you are, then you will no doubt experience it.

* I have met my Beloved, but he/she doesn’t know it. What shall I do?
Beloveds recognize one another. They are vital, they are awake, and they know. What may be going on here is a huge projection on your part, hoping, wishing that this person was your Beloved. I guarantee you, it’s a two-way affair. Beloveds are on the lookout for their other their entire life - consumed with this passion they recognize each other the moment their eyes meet (maybe that’s where that classic old cliché of love at first sight comes from).

* I have been married 20 years, and have recently found my Beloved outside of my marriage. What shall I do?
Ah, yes, we are seeing more of this than ever before! First off, Beloveds will not push, demand, or expect any untoward behavior. Yes, there will be a powerful magnetism, but it won’t necessarily be to get each other in bed. Of course that will be present, but it may not be the main impulse. It more often than not is to look at one another, talk, and make concrete that what you’re both feeling is real. If, your husband/wife is clearly a Soul Mate, then you must treasure his/her heart as you gently handle the breaking up process with care, consideration, and kindness, as he/she may have fallen into amnesia and forgotten that it was once his/her job to hand you over. If this man/woman is obviously not a Soul Mate, (i.e., a pain in the ass, obviously asleep, and/or lazily living) then ruthlessly get out of the relationship being honest, open, and resolute. For a woman, it can be easy to get pulled back in with emotional blackmail. My advice is to get on with the task at hand, remembering of course that all human beings deserve care and kindness when going through a break-up. Just don’t get sucked back in, if you know your Beloved has shown up. (Was that a politically and spiritually incorrect piece of advice? So sorry, but my purpose is to support Beloveds in coming together – no other way will do!) Besides, Beloveds are not usually politically or spiritually correct whatsoever. You can throw that hope right out. This is soul work at the deepest level, so tact is not always the order of the day. Together you will be a law unto yourselves, free from fear, and resting in the eternal.

Aletheia Sophia

About the Author

Aletheia Sophia has been described as a joyful wellspring of Holy Spiritedness. She is a Writer, Orator, Minister, Somatic Practitioner and Shepherdess. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, transmissions, retreats, and workshops contain an undeniable red thread – her love and practice of early Christianity.

Aletheia has been a steadfast voice in the movement for the renewal of Christian Contemplative Spirituality. She advocates for the embodied teachings and sacraments to be made freely available to all, in a non-dogmatic and fully inclusive manner. Her commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of background or belief, feels welcomed and accepted in her teachings.

Her books include:

  • Open your Heart with Kundalini Yoga (Harper Collins, 2002)
  • Mini Size Me (Lulu, 2005)
  • Pilgrimage of Love (Lulu, 2010)
  • Womb Wisdom (Inner Traditions, 2011)
  • Sacred Sexual Union (Inner Traditions, 2013)
  • The Rose Knight. Part I: Sophia's Story (Lulu, 2014)
  • Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions, 2015)
  • Fierce Feminine Rising (Inner Traditions, 2020)
  • The Grail King. Part II: Logos' Story (Lulu, 2022)
  • Healing Springs and Sacred Waters: An Audio Guide Through Sacred France (2025)
  • Sacred Body Awakening (2025)

Aletheia resides in the Cathar region of Southern France with her husband and mother. Together, they manage Les Contes, a B & B at the base of Montsegur. Les Contes is a truly extraordinary place, boasting an astonishing healing presence and unique features such as Notre Dame de Sophia, La Source de Belisama, Le Jardin d'Eden, The Mary Path, The Red Rose Cafe, the Apothecary of Body Rituals, and the Goat Ranch Farm.